Dice The Economist
en el artículo dedicado a Robert Scooble (
The Scobleizer), hablando sobre Lenn Pryor, "director de evangelismo" en Microsoft:
Afraid of flying, he had met a pilot at United Airlines who told him to tune into channel nine from his plane seat, where he could listen in on the communications of the pilots. Mr Pryor did, and soon “the irrational nature of my fear started to fade”. It had something to do with hearing real people talking honestly. He realised that Microsoft, the target of similarly irrational fears, should have its own version of channel nine, and that public blogging by insiders should be an important part of it.
A mi me gusta Scoble, y la idea que hay detrás de todo esto, pero ... ¿por qué estoy cansado ya de poner siempre el mismo ejemplo? ¿Por qué no hay más Scobleizers? ¿Es que el experimento no ha demostrado su valor lo suficiente?
Realmente no sé si se trata de la muerte de la función de PR tal y como la conocemos.
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